For around fifty years Alice has been a loyal member of the Zurich section of the Freethinkers'…
May 25, 2020 Why are shady experts and bizarre theories currently highly valued by some?…
The full text of the consultation response (in German) File…
What gives rise to conspiracy theories and how can they be contained? Because one thing is for sure…
From 1974 to 2019 the quarterly journal of the Vaud section was published. The "Libre Pensée" has…
Who or what helps in a crisis?
Interview: Iris Schulz Iris Schulz: How are you currently in contact with your clients? Kathrin…
Scotland wants to abolish the blasphemy ban, Switzerland should follow
Impunity for blasphemy: While the British Criminal and Justice and Immigration Act of 2008 …
Von 1982 bis 1995 erschien viermal jährlich der "Libero Pensiero". 2005-2008 redigierte die…
The magazine for the German-speaking region is published quarterly. Since autumn 2018 it appears in…
«It’s ok to give up your faith» – interview with Sarah Haider
First tell us something about your childhood years. I was born in Pakistan. When I was seven, my…