Our committee

National committee

Sonja Stocker

Sonja Stocker

Funktionen in der FVS

  • co-president

Co-president of the Swiss Freethinkers, responsible for the Zurich regional group and liaison with the office, born in Olten in 1980, has lived in Zurich for many years.
Sonja Stocker studied environmental engineering at ETH Zurich and works in the field of natural hazard prevention. She is interested in ethics and science and in particular in the question of how the various functions of religions for society can be replaced by a contemporary world view without the intervention of a higher power.
German is her mother tongue and she is also fluent in English.

Thierry Homberger

Funktionen in der FVS

  • treasurer

Thierry Homberger

Funktionen in der FVS

  • treasurer
Sebastian Münkel

Sebastian Münkel

Funktionen in der FVS

  • head humanism activities
  • secretary

Der Chemieingenieur ist bereits seit einigen Jahren Mitglied der Freidenker-Vereinigung und hat im Frühling 2022 die Leitung der neu gebildeten Regionalgruppe Aargau übernommen (vorher Sektion Mittelland). Seit November 2022 engagiert er sich auch als Vorstandsmitglied auf nationaler Ebene für die FVS. Als ausgebildeter Sterbebegleiter mit sehr vielfältiger Vorstandserfahrung bei jSRK, SAJV, Greenpeace etc. kann er diverse Kompetenzen unterstützend ins Team einbringen.

Valentin Abgottspon

Valentin Abgottspon

Funktionen in der FVS

  • head of politics
  • co-president
Co-president of the Swiss Freethinkers, responsible for politics, and coordinator of the regional group Wallis (german speaking part). Born 1979, teacher, humanist celebrant, author. Valentin Abgottspon studied Germanistik and philosophy at the University of Freiburg. From 2006 to October 2010 he was a secondary school teacher in the Wallis municipality of Stalden. Together with other freethinkers, he founded the Wallis section and became the section's president. In October 2010, he was fired from his job without notice because he campaigned for secular education and refused to hang a crucifix in his classroom. In the meantime, the cantonal court has judged the dismissal to be unlawful. He is a publicist and lectures nationally and internationally and often takes part in debates. He's also a humanist celebrant.
Sandra Hiltmann
Sandra Hiltmann

Sandra Hiltmann

Funktionen in der FVS

  • head of rituals

Sandra Hiltmann
Head of Department Rituals

Sandra Hiltmann, since 2022 responsible for rituals and member of the board of the section NWS.
Born 1966 in Basel, happily married, two adult children, originally mechanical engineer HF, humanist celebrant.

After becoming aware of the Giordano Bruno Foundation in Germany, she was looking for an association in Switzerland that represents the values of evolutionary humanism and is committed to rationality and above all the secularization of the state.
The training offered to become a humanist celebrant also appealed to her.
This is how she found the Freethinkers Association of Switzerland and since then she is involved as a member, since 2020 as a board member of the section NWS and since 2021 as a central board member of the FAS.

She helps with the organization and implementation of Camp Quest and through her many years of experience in the distribution of craft products, she designs the respective camp t-shirt with the kids.
In 2020, she completed the FAS humanist celebrant training and has been conducting farewell, wedding and welcome ceremonies ever since.
In 2022 she then took over the department of rituals and now also organizes the training of the humanist celebrants.

Marc Moser

Marc Moser

Funktionen in der FVS

  • editor frei denken
  • head of politics

Marc Moser ist Politologe, war für Medien, in der Verwaltung und seit sieben Jahren in der politischen Kommunikation für Verbände tätig. Aktuell ist er Leiter Kommunikation beim Schweizerischen Städteverband. Geboren am 18. November 1978 in Biel, aufgewachsen im Seeland, wohnhaft in Bern.

Weitere Aktive auf nationaler Ebene


Peter Schmid

Peter Schmid

Funktionen in der FVS

  • auditor

Born 1956, divorced, one grown-up son. I have supervised mandates for the KESB Bern since 2009, and I am on the committees of two inner city societies in Biel. I am a member of the Federal Democratic Party and president of the over-forties Society of Swiss Parachutists. I have been on the citizens' advisory counsel for the Biel local authority since 2015. I left the congregation of Biel's Reformed Church with firm conviction in December 1997.

Philippe Moser

Philippe Moser

Funktionen in der FVS

  • auditor