You can order the following books and articles against invoice. Please order at Thank you very much.
Freiheit für Raif Badawi - Die Liebe meines Lebens (Freedom for Raif Badawi - The love of my life)

by Ensaf Haidar
She is the wife of probably the most famous blogger in the world: Ensaf Haidar loves the man who pays with torture and prison for his desire for a free life. Raif Badawi was arrested in Saudi Arabia and sentenced to 1000 blows to the stick and ten years in prison - a de facto death sentence. Thanks to his wife, the whole world hears about him and fears for him. With a self-painted poster, Ensaf Haidar started a solidarity campaign that moves the world. She arouses enormous interest in Raif's fate and thus puts the merciless regime of her homeland in distress.
The story of Ensaf and Raif is a touching love story about the strength of two hearts in the fight against injustice, and about what life is worth living for.
Available as a book and an audio book. CHF 25 including shipping in Switzerland
Die Gretchenfrage im 21. Jahrhundert

Von Markus Neuenschwander
Mit Gastbeiträgen von Valentin Abgottspon, Felix Austen und Jennifer Hagemann
Wir Menschen sind auf uns selbst gestellt. Wenn wir die globalen Probleme lösen wollen, hilft uns niemand – kein Gott und keine Heilsbringerin. Wir sind allein auf unser Denken gestellt; das ist alles andere als eine zuverlässige Grundlage, denn unser Gehirn ist nichts als das Ergebnis eines langen Evolutionsprozesses. Mit unserem unzuverlässigen Denken lenken wir politisch das Weltgeschehen – nicht immer geschickt. Je besser wir unser biologisches Denken verstehen, desto besser gelingt uns die Gestaltung unserer Zukunft.
CHF 39.95 inklusive Versand Schweiz. Dieses Buch können Sie direkt hier bestellen.
WICHTIG: im Formular "" anwählen (bei "Wie sind Sie auf uns aufmerksam geworden?"), um den Rabatt zu erhalten. Sonst kostet das Buch CHF 47.
Humanismus für Kinder (Humanism for children)

by Nada Peratovic
An introduction to the world of humanistic thought and a reading book for parents and children. It deals with the achievements of humanism, science, philosophy, art and values and propagates a critical but fundamentally affirmative attitude to life.
The freethinkers co-financed the printing of the German translation.
CHF 20 including shipping in Switzerland
Gedanken unter dem Sternenhimmel (Thoughts under the starry sky)

by Raphael Weiss
The night sky is full of secrets! Mira notices this as she watches the stars with her daddy. They get quite into philosopy! They talk about the miracle of the universe, about God, about the good life, about death and about free will. Three bedtime stories that make you think.
CHF 15 including shipping in Switzerland
Big Family

by Michael Schmidt-Salomon (Text) und Anne-Barbara Kindler (Illustrationen)
This lavishly illustrated children's book tells the story of evolution in an unprecedented way - as the family story of the young readers. They travel back to their ancestors via their mother, grandmother and great-grandmother - from their "Stone Age grandma" to "grandma shrew", from "grandma lizard" to "grandma fish mouth" to "Grandmapa Bacteria", the origin of all life on earth.
Exclusively available in Switzerland from Freethinkers. CHF 20 including shipping in Switzerland
Poster "Wahrscheinlich kein Gott" ("Probably there's no god")

The theme of the 2009 Geniess-das-Leben campaign (“Enjoy life”). Still an important topic, and most probably still correct in content.
CHF 5 each if picked up at a section. Shipping in Switzerland: CHF 15 (rolled in cardboard tube). Free shipping from 10 pieces upwards
Set of postcards

20 postcards with variations on the theme “Probably there is no god …”
CHF 10 including shipping in Switzerland (for Freethinkers members: CHF 5)