Media coverage

Articles and contributions from and about us. The media coverage gives an insight into our positions and our commitment.

May 25, 2020

Why are shady experts and bizarre theories currently highly valued by some? Freethinker and scientist Felix Roth on conspiracy theories and social fears in the Corona age (in German). "Der Guru ist oft die beruhigendere Variante"


April 22, 2020

Ten years ago the Valais Section of the swiss Freethinkers was founded - among others by Vice-President Valentin Abgottspon. In an interview with the Walliser Bote, he reports on developments over the past decade and explains why freethinkers are still needed (in German).

Walliser Bote: "Es war ja nicht nur das Kreuz"


March 10, 2020

Tele Top visited the fFreethinkers when they spoke with representatives of the canton of Zurich about the need for a secular-humanistic alternative to church-based pastoral care in hospitals (in German). Fokus - zu Besuch bei den Freidenkenden Schweiz 


February 16-18, 2020

The Freethinkers' Association of Switzerland has filed a complaint against the Bishop of the Diocese of Lausanne, Geneva and Fribourg, Charles Morerod, for preferential treatment under Article 305 of the Swiss Criminal Code. Numerous media reported from all parts of the country. A selection: "Freidenker erstatten Strafanzeige gegen Bischof"

Radio "Klage gegen Bischof Morerod" "Dénonciation pénale à l'encontre de Charles Morerod" "I liberi pensatori denunciano il vescovo Morerod" "Bischof Morerod spricht mit Opfer - und wird angezeigt." "Strafanzeige gegen Bischof Morerod wegen Begünstigung" "Freidenker zeigen Bischof Charles Morerod an" "Une plainte pénale contre Charles Morerod"

la "Prete sospettato di abusi denunciato il vescovo Morerod"


February 10, 2020

Baptism, wedding, burial - on these three events, until recently, non-believers also found themselves in the church. But more and more people are celebrating these milestones without a pastor. However, they do not want to do without rituals and traditions. Ruth Thomas, head of the celebrations department of the Freethinkers' Association of Switzerland , provides information (in German). "Ja, ich will... ohne Pfarrer heiraten"


February 10, 2020

The Swiss Freethinkers are pleased to note the clear voting result on the extension of the racism penal norm. Standing up for tolerant coexistence is a task for society as a whole. However, criminal law can and should also be a last resort against inhuman incitement and discrimination against LGBTI people - which is often motivated by religious fundamentalism (in German). "Freidenkende Schweiz begrüssen die Erweiterung der Strafnorm gegen Diskriminierung" 

January 4, 2020

On Friday at their General Assembly, the Board and members of the Upper Valais Section of the Swiss Freethinkers looked back on the past year. This year they are celebrating their tenth anniversary. There will be an announcement in May (in German). Freidenker mit Jubiläumsjahr und neuem Auftrag 


December 30, 2019

How does the Freethinkers Association of Switzerland impact the political and social scene of Switzerland? Who are currently opposed to the work of freethinkers in Switzerland? What are the hopes for the community of freethinkers moving forward? Office manager Simone Krüsi spoke with the Canadian atheist about the issues and challenges of the Swiss Freethinkers Association. "Interview with Simone Kruesi"


December 23, 2019

No Christmas without the question: How do freethinkers celebrate? Freethinkers President Andreas Kyriacou has answered the question of the Südostschweiz journal (in German). "Hühnereintopf, eine Bescherung im Januar und viele Lichter"


December 5, 2019

Today only six out of ten inhabitants are Catholic or Reformed. The non-denominational persons, who have turned their backs on the once powerful state churches, already make up a quarter. Is that bad or simply the course of events? This was one of the questions asked by the SRF1 programme "Forum" to Swiss Freethinkers  board member Nada Peratovic, among others (in German). "Schweizer kehren den Landeskirchen den Rücken. Ist das schlimm?"


November 14, 2019 

On 15 November, Winterthur director Barbara Miller will be awarded this year's Freethinker Prize, together with the Indian-British author Salman Rushdie. This is in recognition of their commitment to a humanistic society. In an interview, the filmmaker reveals where her commitment comes from (in German). "Anerkennung meines Einsatzes für die Menschenrechte"


November 10, 2019

Anyone who maliciously mocks the faith of other people is liable to a penalty in Switzerland. According to the Swiss Freethinkers, this blasphemy law should be abolished. An interreligious discussion, among others with Freethinkers vice president Valentin Abgottspon (in German). "Streitfrage: Blasphemie-Gesetz abschaffen?"


September 5, 2019

Women are systematically discriminated against in Iran. An international campaign now wants to end gender apartheid and calls for a boycott of the Iranian regime. Andreas Kyriacou is one of the first signatories (in German). "Lasst uns die Geschlechter-Apartheid im Iran ein für alle Mal beenden!" 


August 28, 2019

Valentin Abgottspon misses scientific thinking in parliament and says that it is too strongly influenced by Christianity (in German). Forum - Wie gut fühlen Sie sich vom Parlament vertreten? 


May 18, 2019

Valentin Abgottspon makes it clear in this TV show: Fewer and fewer people go to church. But for all those who have nothing to do with the church, there is no pastoral care, for example in prison (in German)



May 10, 2019

It is true that religious education in the canton of Zurich is now called "Religions, Cultures, Ethics". But it is still compulsory - and is criticized by freethinkers, for example. Andreas Kyriacou explained why to the Tagesanzeiger (in German). «Hinterfragen findet höchstens am Rand statt»

April 4, 2019

The Migros magazine asked five people about the situation of the Catholic Church, among others our president Andreas Kyriacou: "From a secular point of view the Vatican would have to give back the many goods acquired under dubious circumstances and be transformed into a real non-profit organization" (in German). Quo Vadis, Katholische Kirche?


March 14, 2019

The panel discussion with the title "Power and powerlessness of prayer?!" attracted many interested people. Under the direction of Jürgen Heinze (hospital chaplain in Baden), Sister Zita Estermann (Superior General of the Baldegg Sisters), humanist Ruth Thomas (council member of the Freethinkers' Association Switzerland), Beat Schulthess (Director of the Salvation Army Zurich Oberland) and the journalist and author Hugo Stamm, who specializes in questions of sects and faith, dealt with the topic. Among other things, Ruth Thomas said: "If the energy invested in faith and religion were used to achieve a better world, this world would indeed be a better place" (in German). "Das Thema Gebet bewegt"


February 11, 2019

In a resolution, the Swiss Freethinkers Association demands the abolition of the blasphemy article. "In doing so, Switzerland would be making a clear commitment to the right to freedom of expression - and would also ensure that states such as Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iran and Russia can no longer justify their anti-freedom laws," the association explains (in German). "Konfessionslose wollen Blasphemie-Verbot aufheben"

February 11, 2019

When asked, the president of the Valais freethinkers section said that it is right to be neutral as a representative of the state. In the Valais, , the freethinkers would welcome a separation of church and state especially for financial reasons. This concerns the deficit guarantee of the communes as well as the money which the canton awards to the diocese every year and which cannot be reclaimed. In connection with this issue, these points are much more important concerns for freethinkers than religious symbols (in German). "Die Entwicklung in der Religionslandschaft"

February 10, 2019

Geneva voters approved a new law on laicism on Sunday. In the future, cantonal employees will no longer wear crosses, headscarves or kippas at work. Andreas Kyriacou made the following statement: "People who work for the state should be neutral towards the outside world." In the name of our association, our president welcomes it if other cantons would follow suit, because the law is in no way Islamophobic or racist, since all religions are treated equally (in German). "Dann muss ich Muslime entlassen"

February 7, 2019

According to a survey by the Federal Statistical Office (FSO), the religious landscape in Switzerland has changed considerably in recent years. In the canton of Valais, the proportion of non-denominational persons is around 15%, lower than that of the Catholic Church at 70%. However, our Vice-President of the Valais Section, Valentin Abgottspon, is convinced that in the long term there will once again be more persons without a denomination than Catholics in the Valais (in German). "Mitgliederschwund dauert an"

February 4, 2019

The Swiss Freethinkers Association would like the state to put out to tender all services that it cannot or does not want to provide itself - and that the churches must apply for them "like other NGOs". Then there would be fair competition for the services and their pricing (in German). "Wie Konfessionslose und Muslime Millionen für die Kirchen zahlen"

January 31, 2019

Current statistical surveys show that the proportion of the non-denominational population is increasing. With reference to this development, Andreas Kyriacou has pointed out that chaplaincy services for non-denominational persons must be expanded (in German). "Von wegen Zwinglistadt Zürich"

Andreas Kyriacou und Christoph Sigrist (Bild: Goran Basic, NZZ)
Andreas Kyriacou und Christoph Sigrist (Bild: Goran Basic, NZZ)

December 24, 2018

The President of the Swiss Freethinkers Andreas Kyriacou is fighting for a strict separation of church and politics, Grossmünster pastor Christoph Sigrist counters by saying that this would be disruptive. The two are only united in their rejection of reactionary Catholicism (in German). "Religion ist nicht mehr sinnstiftend" - "Falsch, eine Gesellschaft ohne Glauben ist brandgefährlich"

December 6, 2018

Thomas has chosen not to believe. He doesn't believe in any God. For him, God is an unreasonable hypothesis. In the TV experiment "Shared flat of religions" he advocates atheism (in German). "Thomas - Atheist und Freidenker"

December 2018

In future, Basel-Stadt is supposed to assess and draw taxes for publicly recognised churches and religious communities. For persons in Basel without a denomination, this makes no sense(in German). "Basler Stimmvolk wird über Kirchensteuer abstimmen" "Basel muss über Systemwechsel bei Kirchensteuern abstimmen" "Kirchensteuer - ein Wettlauf gegen die (Advents-)Zeit" "Basler Freidenker, Atheisten und Piraten gegen Änderung bei Kirchensteuer" "Basler Freidenker, Atheisten und Piraten gegen Änderung bei Kirchensteuer" "Kirchensteuer: Die Atheisten ergreifen das Referendum" "Freidenkende wollen neues Steuergesetz kippen"

November 25, 2018

Also non-denominational persons should be able to fall back on something like pastoral care in crisis situations. This is what the Swiss Freethinkers demand (in German). "Nach Seelsorge für Muslime: Kommt jetzt die Wohlsorge für Religionslose?" 

November 12, 2018

Anyone who publicly and maliciously insults or mocks the belief in God is liable to a monetary penalty. Now the Freethinkers' Association of Switzerland is calling for the abolition of this article. Not only the bishop of Chur is against this. "The Freethinkers Association Switzerland adopted a Resolution for abolishing the Swiss Blasphemy Ban" "Resolution der Freidenker ist ein Signal für Blasphemie-Länder" "Freipass für Gotteslästerer? Freidenker wollen Blasphemie legalisieren" "Blasphemie gehört nicht ins Strafregister" "Furcht vor Gotteslästerung nach Freidenker-Resolution" "Schweizer Freidenker wollen Blasphemie-Verbot abschaffen" "Liberi Pensatori: Abolire il delitto di blasfemia"

October 8, 2018

Mohamed Hamdaoui, a politician from Biel, has made a political push to ban religious advertising on public transport. The Biel public transport company has so far not granted a request by freethinkers to place freethinker advertisements on a bus. "Biel will Klarheit über rechtliche Situation von religiöser Werbung auf Bussen" "Bienne: Une publicité athée refusée sur les bus"

October 8, 2018

The Bieler Tagblatt asked its readers: Should freethinkers be allowed to advertise on buses? The survey is in favour of freethinkers (in German). "Sollen Freidenker Werbung auf Bussen machen dürfen?"

October 3/4, 2018

Freethinkers want to place an atheistic advertisement on a bus in Biel. But after the controversy over religious advertising, the Biel transport services are on the brakes (in German).

Bielbienne "Gottlose Werbung muss warten" 

Bildausschnitt NZZ

October 5, 2018

On October 3, Zurich's cantonal councillor Jacqueline Fehr presented in the NZZ the "Zurich Way of Dealing with Islamic Communities" which she had coined. Kacem El Ghazzali and Andreas Kyriacou reacted with a reply (in German). "Umgang mit islamischen Gemeinschaften: Ein Zürcher Weg in die Sackgasse" 

August/September 2018

On Saturday, September 8, 2018, the collection of signatures for the initiative of the Ticino Freethinkers will start. It asks for the complete separation of church and state. Numerous Ticino media reported on the issue. 

St. Galler Tagblatt "Tessin: Schatten eines Kulturkampfs" Lanciata l'iniziativa per un «Ticino laico» "Sia un Ticino laico" Liberi pensatori al fianco di 'Ticino laico'


June 27, 2018

In the NZZ, the President of Swiss Freethinkers, Andreas Kyriacou, calls for equal treatment for secular persons: They should not be discriminated against in pastoral care in hospitals, neither against Christians nor Muslims (in German). "Ein Pfarrer kann sich schwer in einen Atheisten hineinversetzen"


June 21, 2018

Pope Francis visits Switzerland. Many see in him a reformer. According to Andreas Kyriacou this is wrong to say because he is as conservative as his predecessors (in German). "Franziskus ist kein Reformpapst"


June 10, 2018

Political talk of the Jewish Community of Zurich. With Valentin Abgottspon, Doris Fiala, Balthasar Glättli and others (in German). ICZ-Polittalk


June 1st, 2018

"I usually feel at home in the company of other people," writes Valentin Abgottspon, Vice President of the Swiss Freethinkers, in an article on the subject of home (in German).

Schulblatt des Kantons Thurgau  "Meine Heimat ist von dieser Welt"


May 13, 2018

In the Heretic Podcast, Valentin Abgottspon of the Swiss Freethinkers speaks about state or religious holidays in Switzerland and Germany (in German). Feiertagsdiskussion in der Schweiz


May 2nd, 2018

The Bavarian government has decided to put crucifixes in all public offices. In Switzerland, too, the crucifixes regularly cause discussions (in German). Kruzifix nochmal! Das Kreuz mit dem Kreuz


April 15, 2018

On Friday, the Valaisan freethinkers gathered for the General Assembly. The members elected Melanie Hartmann as the new president. She succeeds Valentin Abgottspon, who is now vice-president (in German). Melanie Hartmann neue Präsidentin