Über uns

Die Sektion der französischsprachigen Schweiz setzt sich für eine Trennung von Kirche und Staat im Unterwallis, dem Jura und  in der Genferseeregion ein.


Thierry Dewier

Thierry Dewier

Funktionen in den Sektionen

  • president

I was born in Belgium, naturalised in Switzerland, and my course of studies in Applied Science was essentially secular. I'm a fervent proponent of laicity and critical reason. As a great admirer of Richard Dawkins, I'm also a member of the Center For Inquiry. As president of the Freethinkers of the Romandy region it's my goal to increase the number of freethinkers in western Switzerland.

Eric Paulus

Eric Paulus

Funktionen in den Sektionen

  • treasurer

I am a Swiss born in Brussels and have been educated since always to free examination, through the reflection on philosophical texts from antiquity to our days. I endorse the radical exercise of free thought. This thought is nourished by existence - outside of dogmas, religious institutions and clergy. With my friends of free thought and secularism in Switzerland, in Europe and throughout the world, I continue to strengthen this thought that has been transmitted by my parents and by the staff of the crèche, and later by my school teachers and the university professors who awakened me to human rights and absolute freedom of conscience. Our association in French-speaking Switzerland, the LPR, allows me to enthusiastically pursue this commitment on a long term basis, because there is a lot to be done. Together with other women and men, I am strengthening the heritage of free thought in Switzerland, with a view to a world of ever greater solidarity, living FREE together.

Patrice Dufaud

Funktionen in den Sektionen

  • secretary
Gillian Simpson

Gillian Simpson

Funktionen in den Sektionen

Alain-Jacques Tornare

Funktionen in den Sektionen

  • délégué(e) cantonal