Freethinkers in the National Council and Council of States

The elections are approaching, on October 22 a lot will be decided. Whether it is a slide to the left or to the right: we want to separate church and state.

Bild Smartvote

This is also a concern for many candidates. We asked them ten additional questions on Smartvote, including on pastoral care, assisted suicide, ethics instead of religious education, bans on high holidays, church taxes for legal entities, a ban on blasphemy and, of course, the separation of church and state. From the answers to ten questions (see below the ranking), we have calculated how much they identify with humanist, secular and rational positions.

In a number of cantons, there are previous and newcomers who score 80 to 100 percent in our ranking. For the National Council, for example Claudia Alpiger (VS SP), Alice Ambrosetti (SP TI), Jorgo Ananiadis (PP ZH),  Ruedi Bachmann (JGLP ZH), Manuel Ballmer (BL GLP), Gabriela Blatter (GLP BE), Hasan Candan (SP LU), Alain Chanson (Grüne VD), Matthias Erhardt (Grüne GE), Beat Flach (GLP AG), David Gerke (Grüne SO), Peter Metzinger (FDP ZH), Markus Mosimann (GLP BE), Thomas Percy (FDP SG), Mélinda Sommer (CSP FR), Patrizia Tamborrini (Grüne BL) and Lukas Wopmann (Mitte AG).

For the Council of States, the candidates include Claudia Alpiger (VS SP), Sarah Blum (PdA NE), Pauline Godat (SP JU), Leonardo Gomez Mariaca (GLP FR), Jürg Grossen (GLP BE), David Roth (SP LU), Carlo Sommaruga (SP GE), Stefan Thöni (PARAT ZG) and Manuela Weichelt (Grüne ZG).Let's make a difference together and govern Switzerland in a secular, humanistic and rational way.

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