International Atheist Day
Become part of the #AtheistDay campaign of Project 48th Forum for Enlightenment, Emancipation and Skepticism and stand in solidarity against the belittling, discrimination and persecution of atheists.

International Atheist Day serves to show solidarity with people who suffer because of religion. It should be established as a day of commemoration and action on which - just as women do on March 8 or dependent employees do on May 1 - "non-believers" fight for their rights in a publicly visible way. We can actively support this. Send us your photo with a statement. Plan: you may send us your photos for us to post on the official FVS social media channels or just do it yourself right now. We will interact with the posts as best we can for more visibility!
Why it needs it. In many countries it is dangerous to be an atheist. Sarah Haider's statement in the interview with Andreas Kyriacou is incredibly brave, even if we might find it hard to imagine in Switzerland: "It's okay to give up your faith" can have horrific consequences for many people. Haider should have been one of the prominent guests on March 21, Apostasy Day 2020 - the event fell victim to Corona. Nevertheless, Andreas Kyriacou spoke with her about her apostasy, the importance of the Ex-Muslims of North America, which she co-founded, and her expectations of politics. An extremely topical example of a courageous struggle is also Sherif Gaber, who is acutely in danger right now. Here is an appeal for help for him. The International Atheist Day is perfect for this.
In order for everyone to be able to connect with each other and for visibility to be as great as possible for the concerns of atheists and the secular parts of society, we need to link together. A very simple way to do this is to use the same hashtags. On social media, the most popular hashtag for this day is probably #AtheistDay. Actions, statements, photos, quotes, ideas will find their way to those interested in the topic very quickly this way.